Butterflies of Ohio: 10 Easy-to-Identify Common Ones With Photos

Common Butterflies of Ohio

There are over 130 Butterflies of Ohio that exist, but we will be looking at 10 easy-to-identify common ones with Photos since it would be too lengthy to identify all butterfly species in Ohio.

Different kinds of butterflies can be found flourishing in Ohio’s varied habitats, from the majestic Monarch Butterfly to the elegant American Lady butterfly; they are usually brightly colored and know how to stay away from predators.

This post will help you recognize and appreciate these winged wonders of Ohio, whether you are a nature lover, a curious observer, or a newbie butterfly enthusiast.  

Also read: Missouri Butterflies: Classification And Identification With Pictures

The world of butterflies in Ohio is magical; explore it with me!

Butterflies of Ohio: A Vibrant Ecological Paradise

A safe habitat for butterflies can be found in the many ecosystems of Ohio, which include everything from grasslands and prairies to forests and wetlands. 

There are over 130 kinds of butterflies that have been documented in Ohio, making it a veritable treasure mine of opportunity for people who are passionate about nature and butterflies.

The Basics of Ohio Butterfly Identification

To appreciate and identify Ohio butterflies, you need to know how their wings are made, how they are marked, what colors they have, and how big they are. You can confidently identify different species and tell them apart by looking at these traits.

How Butterflies wings are made and how they look

Butterflies have intricate patterns on their wings, which look very different from one species to another.

Some have big stripes, spots, or complicated designs, while others have patterns you must look closely to see.

Patterns and colors of Butterflies of Ohio

Color is key to figuring out what kind of butterfly it is. Butterflies of Ohio often have bright colors, such as bright orange, deep blue, and bright yellow.

Also, they are easy to spot because they have unique markings, such as eye spots and bands of color.

Size and Physical Characteristics of Butterflies of Ohio

Butterflies come in many sizes, from ones no bigger than your thumbnail to several inches long.

Their physical features, like the shape of their wings and the size of their bodies, can also help identify them.

Butterfly Habitats in Ohio: Where to Find Them

If you want to go on a butterfly-watching trip, you must know where these delicate creatures live in the wild.

Ohio has a lot of different places that cater to the needs and preferences of various kinds of butterflies.

Native grasslands and prairies

In Ohio’s native prairies and grasslands, many butterfly species thrive. Butterflies like the Eastern Comma and the Pearl Crescent live in these open spaces.

You can easily spot them flying around among the wildflowers and tall grasses.

Gardens and Parks

Gardens and parks with lots of nectar-rich flowers and host plants are good places to find butterflies.

Making a part of your backyard into a place where butterflies can live is a great way to see them up close.

You can often find species like the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and the Painted Lady in these urban havens.

Woodlands and Forest Edges

Visit Ohio’s woodlands and forest edges to see butterflies in a peaceful setting. Here, species like the Red-spotted Purple and the Spicebush Swallowtail gracefully gliding through the trees as the sun shines.

Swamps and Wetlands

Wetlands and marshes in Ohio offer butterflies different places to live.

Species like the Black Swallowtail and Common Buckeye live in these areas. You can often see them flying around the lush plants near water sources.

Butterfly Migration in Ohio: Seasonal Delights

Butterflies have interesting migration patterns, and Ohio is an important stop for many species on their annual journeys.

By learning about these migrations, you can see the beauty and wonder of different species at different times of the year.

Spring Migrations

In the spring, many butterflies pass through Ohio to their breeding grounds farther north.

Seeing these migrations, including the well-known Monarch Butterfly, is an amazing event that shows how life keeps going and how strong nature is.

Summer Residents

When summer comes, Ohio becomes home to butterfly species that like the state’s climate and stay there all year.

The Pipevine Swallowtail and Spicebush are two of these butterflies. The Swallowtails are a joy to watch with their bright colors and graceful flight.

Fall Migrations

In the fall, butterflies heading south to warmer places for the winter need to stop in Ohio.

Like the Painted Lady’s annual journey, seeing fall migrations is a beautiful sight and a powerful reminder of how life goes in cycles.

Top 10 Common Butterflies of Ohio

#1 Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) is one of Ohio’s largest and most recognizable butterflies.

The males exhibit striking yellow wings with black stripes, while the females come in two variations: yellow and black or black and blue.

They are often seen gracefully fluttering through meadows and gardens, feeding on nectar from various flowers.

#2 Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is one of North America’s most famous butterfly species.

The Monarch is a true marvel with its vibrant orange wings adorned with black veins and white spots.

Ohio is an important stopover during the Monarch’s epic migration, making it a common sight in the state during certain times of the year.

The Monarch Butterfly’s population has declined recently due to habitat loss and pesticide use.

Conservation efforts, including providing milkweed plants and creating protected areas, are crucial for their survival.

#3 Black Swallowtail

Black Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) is a medium-sized butterfly known for its elegant and contrasting colors.

The males feature predominantly black wings with yellow spots and distinctive iridescent blue on the hindwings.

Conversely, the females have more blue on their hindwings, accompanied by rows of yellow spots.

They are often found in gardens and meadows, where their caterpillars feed on plants like dill and parsley.

#4 Painted Lady Butterfly

Painted Lady Butterfly
Painted Lady Butterfly (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui) is a common butterfly species that can be found across the globe.

It showcases intricate patterns and a beautiful combination of orange, black, and white colors on its wings.

Painted Ladies are highly adaptable and can be observed in various habitats, including gardens, meadows, and urban areas.

#5 Common Buckeye

Common Buckeye
Common Buckeye (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia) is a small to medium-sized butterfly known for its eye-catching eyespots on its wings.

These eyespots, resembling the eyes of a deer, help deter predators. The wings of the Common Buckeye feature a mix of brown, orange, and black patterns, making them easily distinguishable.

They are often seen fluttering near low-growing vegetation and are quite common in Ohio.

#6 Red Admiral

Red Admiral butterfly
Red Admiral butterfly (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta) is a striking butterfly that showcases a combination of black, orange, and white colors. It is known for its fast and erratic flight, often zigzagging through woodlands, gardens, and parks.

The Red Admiral is a migratory species found in Ohio during summer.

#7 Pearl Crescent

Pearl crescent butterfly
Pearl crescent butterfly (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos) is a small butterfly with distinctive orange wings adorned with black spots.

Its wingspan typically ranges from 1 to 1.5 inches. Pearl Crescents prefer open areas such as fields, meadows, and gardens, where they feed on nectar from flowers like asters and goldenrods.

#8 Orange Sulphur

Orange Sulphur
Orange Sulphur (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme) is a bright yellow butterfly easily spotted due to its vibrant coloration.

It is a common sight in Ohio’s meadows, grasslands, and open spaces.

The males have a more intense yellow color, while the females tend to be paler, with white markings on their wings.

#9 Cabbage White

Cabbage White
Cabbage White (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The Cabbage White (Pieris rapae) is a small to medium-sized butterfly with white wings marked by black dots.

It is known for its presence in vegetable gardens, as its caterpillars feed on plants like cabbage, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables.

Despite its simple appearance, the Cabbage White is a fascinating butterfly.

#10 American Lady

American Lady butterfly,
American Lady butterfly, (Photo Credit: Shutterstock)

The American Lady butterfly, orVanessa virginiensis, can be seen often throughout Ohio. The wingspan of this butterfly is around 2 inches, making it a medium-sized species.

The upper surface of the wings is orange with black lines, and the center of the orange forewing features a tiny white dot.

The underside of the wings is a splotchy mix of gray, white, and brown, with a shocking pink spot on the forewings.

Each back wing features two huge eyespots that can be used for recognition.

Ohio is home to several different types of habitats that are suitable for American Lady Butterflies.

Attracted to bright colors, these butterflies’ caterpillars munch on thistles, asters, and sunflowers.

The American Lady butterfly is a migrant who spends the winters in Mexico. They migrate back to Ohio every spring and can be spotted in the sky between May and September.


Exploring the world of butterflies of Ohio is a delightful experience. Each butterfly species has its unique charm, from the majestic Eastern Tiger Swallowtail to the delicate Cabbage White.

We hope this article has provided valuable insights into some of Ohio’s common and easily identifiable butterflies.

Learning about these enchanting insects can deepen your appreciation for the natural beauty surrounding us.