
How to Trim Goat Hooves Correctly:  Materials to use, method and precautions

Most goat owners wonder how to properly trim their goat’s hooves. Goats are tough and adaptable animals, but they, like all farm animals, require adequate care and upkeep to stay healthy. Hoof trimming is an important element of goat care. The hooves of goats grow more quickly than those of cows and sheep, so they […]

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The Best Types of Goats Fencing – Construction Tips, Advantages and Disadvantages

Before you begin raising goats, you may be wondering what the best types of goat fencing are, because you must erect a fence around the farm to keep the goats from leaving the area you put them in because goats are wandering animals that like to explore. Additionally, fencing will prevent other animals/predators from harming

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What is Selenium Deficiency in goats? symptom, diagnosis and treatment.

Selenium Deficiency in goat is a condition whereby goats are not getting enough selenium in their diet. Goats need selenium, an important trace mineral, for their general health and wellbeing. Selenium is vital to immunological health, reproductive wellbeing, and general growth and development. Goats that are selenium deficient can suffer from many kinds of diseases. 

What is Selenium Deficiency in goats? symptom, diagnosis and treatment. Read More »

Fighting Barber Pole Worms in Goats and Sheep

Given their high adaptability and resistance to many commonly used dewormers, fighting barber pole worms in goats and sheep can be difficult. As a result, successful management tactics will come to play which will combine chemical and non-chemical techniques. This article will discuss several preventative methods, pasture management strategies, and genetic selection for resistance that

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