The 10 Best Pet Frogs for Beginners

pet tree frog

For lovers of frogs, you may want to know the best frog to have as a pet. The 10 Best Pet Frogs for Beginners are The African Dwarf Frog, American Green Tree Frog, Australian Green Tree Frog, the White’s Tree Frog, Red-Eyed Tree Frog, Pacman Frog, The Waxy Monkey Frog, Dart frog, The White Lipped Frog, European Fire-Bellied Toad.

Frogs can make interesting and one-of-a-kind pets. They are minimal maintenance in general and can be an excellent alternative for folks who don’t have much time to spend on pet care.

As a beginner, you will learn about the 10 best pet frogs you can get if you wish to have pet frogs in your home.

You can also read about Beginners Guide to Keeping Tree Frogs as Pets

Here we go:

1.  The African Dwarf Frog

African Dwarf Frog

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African dwarf frogs (Hymenochirus boettgeri) are small, aquatic frogs native to West African rainforests. Due to their small size and low maintenance requirements, they are popular as pets.

African dwarf frogs are also known as Zaire dwarf-clawed frogs or Congo dwarf-clawed frogs, and they have smooth, shiny skin that is usually black or brown.

They swim and navigate their watery surroundings using their webbed feet and long, thin legs.

African dwarf frogs are found in slow-moving streams and marshes, where they feed on minute insects, worms, and other aquatic invertebrates.

They should be kept as pets in a large aquarium with plenty of clean water, hiding spots, and a basking area with a heat source.

A diversified diet of live insects, frozen or freeze-dried insects, and modest amounts of vegetables and fruits should be provided.

African dwarf frogs are generally docile and can coexist with other small, non-aggressive species in captivity.

They are not especially active and do not take up much space, making them an excellent alternative for people with limited living space.

For those willing to offer a proper environment and meet their basic needs, African dwarf frogs can make interesting and low-maintenance pets. However, before taking one into your home, study and learn about these frogs’ special needs.

2.  American Green Tree Frog

American Green Tree Frog

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The American green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) is a tiny arboreal frog native to the United States southeastern states. Due to its small size, appealing appearance, and low maintenance requirements, it is a popular pet.

American green tree frogs range in size from 2 to 5 inches and are bright green with white or pastel yellow undersides.

Their toes have enormous, sticky pads that allow them to climb trees easily and other vertical surfaces.

They also have characteristic white markings around their eyes and a voice that sounds like a gentle “quank.”

American green tree frogs are often found in swamps, marshes, and woodlands.

They are opportunistic feeders, eating many insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates. They should be kept as pets in a large enclosure with plenty of climbing surfaces, hiding spots, and a clean water source.

They should be fed a variety of live insects and other small creatures, as well as vegetables and fruits in small amounts.

American green tree frogs are very easy to care for that is why i would recommend it for first frog owners. They are not gregarious animals and do not require much interaction, but they can be handled gently if necessary.

Lifespans in the wild are unknown. However, captives can survive up to 6 years if properly cared for.

3.  Australian Green Tree Frog

Australian Green Tree Frog

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The Australian green tree frog (Litoria caerulea) is a medium-sized arboreal frog found in Australia and New Guinea. Because of its pleasing appearance and low maintenance requirements, it is a popular pet.

Green tree frogs in Australia are about 3-5 inches long and bright green, with white or pale yellow undersides.

They have a triangular skull and huge, projecting eyes. They also have long, slender toes with sticky pads, allowing them to climb trees and other vertical surfaces easily.

Australian green tree frogs can be found in several environments, including rainforests, swamps, and woods. They are opportunistic feeders, eating insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates.

They should be kept as pets in a large enclosure with plenty of climbing surfaces, hiding spots, and a clean water source. They should be fed a variety of live insects and other small creatures, as well as vegetables and fruits in small amounts.

The Australian green tree frogs have a low maintenance and care need so i would recommend it a good choice if you are just startung to keep pets frogs

They are not gregarious animals and do not require much interaction, but they can be handled gently if necessary.

Breeding occurs throughout the summer wet season. It frequently occurs in moist environments such as drainage pipes, water tanks, or grassy semi-permanent water systems. These frogs are highly friendly and show minimal fear of humans.

4.  White’s Tree Frog

White's Tree Frog

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The White tree frog (Litoria caerulea) is a big arboreal frog from Australia and New Guinea. It is a popular pet because of its appealing appearance and low maintenance requirements.

White tree frogs are 4-6 inches long and bright green in appearance, with white or pale yellow undersides. They have a triangular skull and huge, projecting eyes. They also have long, slender toes with sticky pads, allowing them to climb trees and other vertical surfaces easily.

White tree frogs can be found in various environments, including rainforests, swamps, and woods.

They are opportunistic feeders, eating different types of insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates.

They should be kept as pets in a large enclosure with plenty of climbing surfaces, hiding spots, and a clean water source. They should be fed a variety of live insects and other small creatures, as well as vegetables and fruits in small amounts.

White tree frogs are hardy and easy to care for, making them ideal for first-time frog owners.

They are not gregarious animals and do not require much interaction, but they can be handled gently if necessary.

5.  Red-Eyed Tree Frog

Red-Eyed Tree Frog

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The Red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas) is a tiny, arboreal frog in Central and South America.

It is a frog species of the Phyllomedusinae subfamily. It is a popular pet because of its appealing appearance and low maintenance requirements.

Red-eyed tree frogs are around 2-3 inches long and brilliant green, with red eyes and orange or blue markings on their thighs and backs.

The frog’s striking colors may overstimulate a predator’s vision, resulting in a perplexing ghost image that remains behind when the frog rushes away.

Their toes have enormous, sticky pads that allow them to climb trees easily and other vertical surfaces.

Red-eyed tree frogs thrive in rainforests and other humid, tropical settings in the wild. They feed on various insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates.

They should be kept as pets in a large enclosure with plenty of climbing surfaces, hiding spots, and a clean water source.

They should be fed a variety of live insects and other small creatures, as well as vegetables and fruits in small amounts.

6.  Pacman Frog

Pacman Frog

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Pacman frogs (Ceratophrys ornata) are huge, terrestrial South American frogs. Because of their unusual look and low maintenance requirements, this type of frog is popular as a pet.

Pacman frogs are about 3-6 inches long and have spherical, puffed-out bodies with huge, triangular heads. They are brown or green in hue and have dark markings on their backs and legs. They have short, stocky legs and strong teeth for capturing their prey.

Pacman frogs can be found in various environments, including rainforests, marshes, and savannas.

They can feed on insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates. They should be kept as pets in a large enclosure with a substrate of dirt or coconut coir, hiding spots, and access to clean water.

They should be fed a variety of live insects and other small creatures, as well as vegetables and fruits in small amounts.

The care need of Pacman frogs is low so i would also recommend them for frog keepers. However, if overfed, they are prone to obesity; thus, controlling their food and feeding patterns is critical.

They are not gregarious animals and do not require much interaction, but they can be handled gently if necessary.

7.  The Waxy Monkey Frog

 Waxy Monkey Frog

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The waxy monkey frog (Phyllomedusa sauvagii) is a medium-sized, South American terrestrial frog. It is a popular pet because of its distinct appearance and low upkeep requirements.

Waxy monkey frogs are 3-4 inches long and distinguished by their smooth, waxy skin and unusual triangular skull.

They are brown or green in hue and have dark markings on their backs and legs. They have short, stocky legs and powerful teeth for capturing their prey.

Waxy monkey frogs live in various habitats in the wild, including rainforests, marshes, and savannas.

They can feed on insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates. They should be kept as pets in a large enclosure with a substrate of dirt or coconut coir, hiding spots, and access to clean water. They should be fed a variety of live insects and other small creatures, as well as vegetables and fruits in small amounts.

Waxy monkey frogs are simple to keep. It is easy for them to become obese if they are overfed.

They are not gregarious animals and do not require much interaction, but they can be handled gently if necessary.

8.  Dart frog

Dart frog

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Dart frogs (Dendrobatidae) are a tiny, vividly colored frog family in Central and South America. They are popular as pets because of their appealing look and low maintenance requirements.

Dart frogs come in various species, each with distinct appearance and care requirements. Dart frogs are typically small, measuring 1-3 inches long.

They are brilliantly colored, with red, yellow, green, blue, and black patterns and markings.

They have small bodies and long, slender legs and live in rainforests and other humid, tropical habitats.

Dart frogs are opportunistic eaters in the wild, eating a diverse range of insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates.

They should be kept as pets in a large enclosure with a substrate of dirt or coconut coir, hiding spots, and access to clean water.

They should be fed a variety of live insects and other small creatures, as well as vegetables and fruits in small amounts.

Dart frogs are resilient and easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for new frog parents. Some species, however, are more sensitive and require more specialized care, so do your homework and choose a species appropriate for your degree of competence.

They are not gregarious animals and do not require much interaction, but they can be handled gently if necessary.

9.  The White-Lipped Frog

White-Lipped Frog

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The white-lipped frog (Leptodactylus labialis) is a medium-sized, South American terrestrial frog. It is a popular pet because of its distinct appearance and low upkeep requirements.

White-lipped frogs are 3-5 inches long and distinguished by their smooth, waxy skin and unusual triangular head. They are brown or green in hue and have dark markings on their backs and legs. Their common name comes from the white or light stripe on their top lip. They have short, stocky legs and strong teeth for capturing their prey.

White-lipped frogs can be found in various habitats, including rainforests, marshes, and savannas. Insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates can be fed to them.

They should be kept as pets in a large enclosure with a substrate of dirt or coconut coir, hiding spots, and access to clean water.

They should be fed a variety of live insects and other small creatures, as well as vegetables and fruits in small amounts.

White-lipped frogs are resilient and easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for first frog owners.

10. European Fire-Bellied Toad

European Fire-Bellied Toad

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Bombina bombina is a tiny aquatic frog native to Europe and Asia. Because of its small size and appealing appearance, it is a popular pet.

European fire-bellied toads are 2-3 inches long and distinguished by their smooth, waxy skin and unusual triangular head. They are brown or green in hue and have dark markings on their backs and legs.

Their common name comes from the bright orange or red coloring on their underside. They have short, stocky legs and webbed feet for swimming and navigating their watery environment.

European fire-bellied toads can be found in various aquatic settings, including streams, ponds, and swamps.

They are opportunistic feeders, insects, worms, and other tiny invertebrates.

They should be kept as pets in a large aquarium with plenty of clean water, hiding spots, and a basking area with a heat source.

A diversified diet of live insects, frozen or freeze-dried insects, and modest amounts of vegetables and fruits should be provided.

Here are some general guidelines for caring for pet frogs:

  • Investigate the specific care requirements of your chosen frog species. Each species has unique needs for habitation, nutrition, and environmental circumstances.
  • Make a suitable home for your frog. This should be spacious, secure, and properly equipped with the essential substrate, hiding spots, and heat and light sources.
  • Feed your frog a broad diet of nutritious foods. Live insects, frozen or freeze-dried insects, small portions of vegetables and fruits, and other small animals may be included.
  • Maintain the enclosure’s cleanliness and upkeep. This may entail cleaning the substrate regularly, changing or cleaning water sources, and eliminating uneaten food and trash.
  • Handle your frog with care and frequency. Frogs are fragile creatures that can be easily stressed or hurt if handled incorrectly.
  • See a veterinarian or other reptile care professional if you have any questions or concerns regarding your frog’s care.

Now that you have learned about The 10 Best Pet Frogs for Beginners, caring for and entertaining frogs as pets would be a rewarding and pleasurable experience for people ready to provide the necessary care and attention.

Having a pet frog may be a pleasant experience for beginners and experienced enthusiasts. However, choosing the right species for your lifestyle and level of dedication is necessary.

The ten pet frogs covered in this article are excellent selections for beginners because they are low-maintenance and have distinct personalities and qualities.

Whether you choose a vibrantly colored poison dart frog or a peaceful and loving African dwarf frog, be sure they get the care and environment they require to thrive.

You can have an interesting pet frog for years with little knowledge and effort.

See also: 10 Different Types of Poison Dart Frogs You Should Keep as Pet with Photos