What fish can live with goldfish is a question many aquarists ask themselves when it comes to stocking a shared aquarium. Even though goldfish can be kept by themselves, adding other fish that can coexist with goldfish can improve the tank’s appearance and overall health. On the other hand, not all fish are suitable companions for goldfish due to variances in their size, temperament, and the amount of water and space they require.
This article will discuss the 35 Best Goldfish Tank Mates & Companions, presenting various options and selections of peaceful fish to keep with goldfish.
You can also read about 25 popular types of goldfish here
Let’s get started and explore “what fish Can live with goldfish”
What Fish Can Live With Goldfish
The most challenging aspect of establishing a thriving community with these freshwater fish is knowing what fish can live with goldfish and choosing tank mates that are compatible with one another.
Goldfish are one of a kind in comparison to the majority of other tropical fish that are sold.
Because of their gentle nature, goldfish may coexist happily with other fish.
You need to consider some factors when picking tank mates for your goldfish.
Things to look out for before you decide on goldfish tank mates:
Low-Temperature Needs
Temperature compatibility is an important consideration when choosing suitable fish species for goldfish. Goldfish, which are cold-water fish, do best in water between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 24 degrees Celsius).
To maintain the health of your fish, select species that can live in or like a comparable temperature range.
Pay attention to the temperature needs of any potential tank mates when doing your research. Try to stay away from picking tropical fish that need water temperatures higher than 75F (24C).
Choose instead fish species that do well in the temperature range that is good for goldfish. This maintains peace and comfort for the aquarium’s occupants.
Temperament compatibility is an important consideration when choosing goldfish tank inhabitants.
Goldfish have a generally peaceful temperament. However, this can vary from fish to fish and even from one breed to another.
Choosing fish with similar temperaments is essential for maintaining peace and tranquility in the aquarium.
If you a better goldfish tank coexistence, you should avoid selecting aggressive or fin-nipping fish species. Try to find fish that aren’t hostile and can live harmoniously with goldfish.
The likelihood of territorial disputes and bullying is reduced when fish with similar temperaments and swimming abilities are introduced to the tank.
Size compatibility
Depending on the breed’s genes, some goldfish might get slightly bigger than others. To keep things peaceful and balanced in the aquarium, it’s best to pair fish of comparable size.
Consider the possible tank mates’ adult sizes when doing research. Choose tank mates carefully, as goldfish may mistake smaller fish for prey and harass, consume, or chase after them. The dangers can be reduced by adding fish similar to or a little bigger than the goldfish.
Also, think about how big the goldfish will get and how big the other fish will get in the aquarium. Some goldfish species, like the common goldfish and koi, can grow over a foot in length.
Dietary needs
Choosing tank mates with similar nutritional demands is vital for the health of all the fish in the tank, especially goldfish, which have distinct dietary requirements.
Goldfish are primarily omnivorous, so consider the tank mates’ food needs and preferences when researching. Try to find other fish that can live on the same foods goldfish can or have similar nutritional needs. This helps ensure all the fish in the tank are nutritionally getting what they need and are willing to eat what’s offered.
35 Best Goldfish Tank Mates & Companions

The Swordtail (Xiphophorus hellerii) is a colorful and active addition to any goldfish tank. Swordtails, with their vibrant colors and graceful movements, are perfect tank mates for goldfish.
Swordtails get their name because their tails, which are as long as a sword, are brightly colored. Red, orange, yellow, and even black are just some of the colors available for them.
Swordtails are hardy fish that can survive in a wide variety of environments.
River Murray Rainbow Fish (Australian Rainbowfish)

Rainbow fish of the Murray River in Australia are known for their magnificent silver coloring. They can endure a wide range of environmental conditions, including water and air temperature changes, with relative ease.
They require a constant water temperature between 70 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
These fish prefer a minimum tank size of 20 gallons and a minimum community size of four. However, they need 75 gallons of tank space when kept with goldfish.
Platies (Xiphophorus maculatus)

Platies are species of colorful fish well-known for their calm demeanor and ability to adjust to various environments and water conditions. They are suitable tank mates for goldfish.
Giant Danio

The Giant Danio species is colorful and will bring much life to your aquarium. You should house your goldfish with huge danios if their temperament is compatible.
They are well-known for their ability to swim quickly, and in fact, they can swim faster than goldfish.
They have the potential to reach a length of 4-6 inches and can survive in a tank that is 55 gallons in size.
Guppies (Poecilia reticulata)

They are colorful fish that are relatively modest in size and can put up with the lively temperament of goldfish.
Hillstream Loach

Hillstream Loach are more comfortable in cooler temperatures, much like goldfish.
It feeds on microalgae, makes its way through life on leftover food, and adheres to the glass wall with such tenacity that goldfish cannot swallow it.
Hillstream Loach reach a maximum size of two to three inches in length, are simple pets to care for, and can thrive in tanks of up to 20 gallons in capacity.
Hoplo Catfish

The Hoplo Catfish (Megalechis thoracata) is a choice for a tank mate that can live well with goldfish. The Hoplo Catfish, also called the Giant Hoplo Catfish or the Hoplosternum Catfish, is a popular choice for community tanks because it is calm and gets along well with much other fish, including goldfish.
Hoplo Catfish comes from South America and are used to living in freshwater settings that are warm and humid. They usually grow to be about 4 to 6 inches long, so they can live with bigger goldfish.
Banded Corydoras

The Banded Corydoras (Corydoras splendens) would make great tank companions for your goldfish. Goldfish get along well with these little catfish because of their calm nature and other shared features.
Banded Corydoras have a reputation for being eye-catching. Their slim bodies are wrapped in horizontal black bars that look great against the lighter background. They mature to a size of about 5 to 6 centimeters (2 to 2.5 inches), making them an excellent option for small to medium goldfish tanks.
Banded Corydoras are known for being cooperative and friendly fish. Since they thrive best in communities, it’s advised that groups of at least six be maintained for them.
Siamese Algae Eaters

Siamese Algae Eaters have the ability to scrape and consume a variety of algae. They have a pronounced black horizontal stripe that runs from the head to the caudal fin, giving them a remarkable aesthetic element.
These fish are recognized for their fast and nimble swimming style. They are continually exploring their environment, looking for algae to feed on. They are non-aggressive fish for goldfish
Albino Corydoras

The albino corydoras is a common aquarium fish that lives in freshwater.
They won’t bother your goldfish or try to devour them due to their docile disposition. Due to their social nature, we advise keeping at least three of them.
Rubber nose Pleco

The Rubber Nose Pleco, also called the Rubber Lip Pleco or the Rubbernose Catfish, has a head that feels like rubber and a dark body with small white spots all over it.
They usually get between 10 and 15 cm long, about 4 to 6 inches, so they can live with medium-sized goldfish.
Checker Barb

Barbs have warm temperaments and can be found alone or in larger groups.
Its massive scales and colorfully reflective black rims make it easy to see. Grayish-brown bodies contrast with dark red fins as their primary color scheme.
They can grow to 2 inches and dwell well in 20 gallons tank.
Both species are energetic and would have a great time in a shared aquarium.
Chinese Algae Eaters (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri)

Chinese Algae Eaters have thin, elongated bodies that are usually brown or olive in color. They have a sucker-like mouth structure that allows them to cling to surfaces such as aquarium glass, rocks, and ornaments.
Chinese Algae Eaters can grow quite large, up to 10 inches (25 cm) in length in some situations. These fish are recognized for their quick movements and energetic swimming. They are peaceful tank mates for goldfish

The Ricefish is a cold-water fish that gets along well with goldfish that aren’t as territorial. They’re omnivores like goldfish, so you can keep them in a tank with them, and they only get to be around 1.5 inches long.
Due to their small size, they require a goldfish-free environment with plenty of hiding spots, greenery, and open swimming space. Ricefish are better choice as Goldfish tank camaraderie.
Otocinclus Catfish

The Otocinclus Catfish (Otocinclus affinis) is a great choice if you want a small algae eater that will keep your goldfish tank clean.
These tiny catfish are known for their ability to eat algae and calm nature, making them a good friend of goldfish.
Otocinclus Catfish, also called Oto Cats or Dwarf Suckermouth Catfish, are small and usually don’t get much longer than 1.5 to 2 inches (4 to 5 cm). Otocinclus have a thin body and a mouth that looks like a sucker, which helps them stick to surfaces.
Regarding their temperament, Otocinclus Catfish are calm and shoaling, which means they like to live in groups.
Scissortail Rasboras

Scissortail Rasboras are known for having silver bodies that are long and thin and tail fins that look like a pair of scissors.
The top of their bodies are generally darker, and the color gets lighter as it goes down their bodies.
Most of the time, these rasboras grow to be about 6 to 7.5 cm (2.5 to 2.5 inches) long. This makes them good companions for many community tanks.
These fish are very social and like to swim in groups of at least six.
Tiger Barb

The body of a Tiger Barb is orange or gold, while the stripes on its back and sides are black.
They only grow to a maximum size of 2 to 3 inches, these little barbs are wonderful companions for goldfish because of their small stature.
Tiger Barbs are lively and energetic swimmers. Tiger Barb have much fun swimming around in the tank and interacting with the other fish so they are fish suitable for goldfish tanks
Tiger Barbs are hardy fish that do well in a variety of environments.
Brown Bullhead Catfish

Brown Bullhead Catfish have flat, broad heads and mouth barbels to find food in the substrate. They look rustic with dark brown or olive-brown bodies and scattered dark markings.
Brown Bullhead Catfish behave peacefully. Bottom-dwelling fish spend a lot of time foraging for food.
Brown Bullhead Catfish are highly adaptable and can thrive in various water conditions.
They are resilient to fluctuations in temperature and can tolerate water temperatures between 65°F and 77°F (18°C to 25°C), which is suitable for most goldfish varieties.
Bloodfin Tetra

In most cases, Bloodfin Tetras won’t bother your goldfish and can live happily with them.
The Bloodfin Tetra’s silvery body and bright crimson fins give it a distinctive look that draws the eye.
Bloodfin Tetras, which can grow about 2 inches (5 cm) in length, make good tank mates for goldfish, particularly those of medium size.
The water conditions that are best for Bloodfin Tetras are quite broad. They do best in water with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5, which is somewhat acidic.
Most kinds of goldfish thrive in water between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit (22 and 26 degrees Celsius).
Harlequin Rasbora

The Harlequin Rasbora is known for its beautiful colors and unique marks. It has a bright orange-red body with black patches in the shape of triangles that go from its middle to its tail fin.
These spots make a design that looks like a harlequin, which gives the fish its unique look. Harlequin Rasboras can grow up to about 2 inches (5 cm) long and live in the same tank as goldfish.
Pangasius Catfish

The Pangasius Catfish, which has the scientific name Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, is a big, interesting fish that lives in freshwater. It can be a great addition to an aquarium setup right.
The Pangasius Catfish can be an exciting choice for experienced fish keepers who want to keep a beautiful species because of its size, unique appearance, and dynamic nature.
Koi Carp

Koi (Cyprinus rubrofuscus), also called Koi Carp or just Koi, are highly valued and loved fish known for their beauty and gracefulness.
Koi Carp can turn any pond into a beautiful and peaceful place to look at because of their bright colors and unique designs.
In terms of how they interact, Koi Carp are usually calm and friendly fish. Koi Fish are known to be strong swimmers who move smoothly through the water as they look around.
Longfin Bristlenose Pleco

The Longfin Bristlenose Pleco, as its name suggests, has long, flowing fins that make it different from the normal Bristlenose Pleco.
It has a flattened body covered in bony plates and rows of bristle-like structures on its head, which are more noticeable in males.
These spikes act as sense organs and help animals talk to each other and show their territory.
The dark brown or black color of Longfin Bristlenose Plecos helps them fit in with their surroundings. Their small size, usually 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) long, and their peaceful nature makes them compatible fish for goldfish.
Weather Loach

These species can live in harmony with other animals that share their requirements for survival. They should not be housed with fish that have a sluggish disposition.
Weather Loach swim quite swiftly and could strike swimmers moving too slowly. If you have enough room, putting them together in schools of three fish is best.
Black Skirt Tetras

Black Skirt Tetras get their name from how their flowing fins look like skirts. Their bodies are long and slim, black or dark gray from their dorsal fin to their tail fin.
Most of the time, the bottom half of their body is lighter, which stands out.
These tetras are very social and like to swim in groups of at least six.
Black Skirt Tetras are tough and can live in many different kinds of water. They like slightly acidic or neutral water, with a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. The temperature of the water should be maintained between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit (22 and 26 degrees Celsius), as this range is optimal for keeping goldfish.
Gold Barbs

Gold Barbs have a slim, streamlined body shape; their whole body is bright gold.
Their golden scales stand out beautifully against their small, bright red eyes. Males usually get longer fins and sometimes have more vivid colors than females.
These barbs are busy swimmers who are constantly exploring their surroundings. Gold Barbs are usually calm but can get slightly protective when breeding or feeling threatened.
Dojo Loach

Because of their calm temperament and shared water conditions, dojo loaches are excellent goldfish tank cohabitants.
However, you’ll need a tank of at least 55 gallons to provide adequate swimming room for these creatures when they grow to their full size.
Mollies (Poecilia spp.)

Mollies are resilient fish that can survive a wide range of different water conditions. Mollies can be part of community fish with goldfish. Mollies are excellent companions for goldfish because of their adaptability.
White Cloud Mountain Minnows (Tanichthys albonubes)

White Cloud Mountain Minnows are lively little fish and one of the fish that live well with goldfish, especially in environments with cooler water temperatures.
Zebra Danios (Danio rerio)

Zebra danios can keep up with the energetic behavior of goldfish because of their swift swimming abilities. Zebra Danios can be part of goldfish companions in the aquarium.
Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras spp.)

They are little, peaceful catfish that are excellent at maintaining a clean substrate and do well in goldfish aquariums. They can be chosen as your goldfish tank community options
Bristlenose Plecos (Ancistrus spp.)

Bristlenose Plecos, known for their ability to consume algae, make good complements to goldfish aquariums. Bristlenose Plecos are goldfish tank-friendly fish.
Rosy Barbs (Pethia conchonius)

Rosy barbs are resilient and lively fish that give movement and color to the middle level of the tank. Rosy barbs are also known as conchonius barbs. Rosy barbs will do great as goldfish tank neighbors.
Cherry Barbs (Puntius titteya)

Cherry Barbs are hardy fish that thrive in diverse water conditions and get along well with goldfish. Cherry Barbs are also known for their bright colors. Cherry Barbs can be a perfect choice in establishing a diverse fish population with goldfish
Hatchetfish (Carnegiella spp.)

Hatchetfish are one-of-a-kind fish that have a distinct appearance and manner of behaving. They live in the higher levels of the aquarium. Hatchetfish have a peaceful nature that can lead to peaceful cohabitation with goldfish.
Fish that should not be kept with goldfish
There are a lot of fish species compatible with goldfish that can live in the same tank as goldfish, but there are also some that shouldn’t. These include:
Tropical fish: Many tropical fish need hot water, which goldfish may not like.
Aggressive fish: Stay away from fish known to be aggressive or like to nibble on fins, as they can stress out or hurt goldfish.
Tips for introducing new fish to a goldfish tank
Follow these rules when adding new fish to a goldfish tank to make the change go smoothly:
Quarantine new fish: Put them in quarantine for a few weeks to check on their health and stop diseases from spreading.
Acclimation: Introduce new fish to the water in the goldfish tank slowly to keep them from getting stressed.
Introduce fish during feeding: Adding new fish to the tank while the goldfish eat will confuse them and make them less territorial.
Maintaining a harmonious community tank
To keep goldfish and their tank mates living together in peace, think about the following:
Adequate tank size: Make sure the tank is big enough for all the fish to swim around and feel comfortable.
Regular water changes: Change the water often to keep the water clean and to keep the fish from getting stressed.
Monitoring fish behavior: Keep an eye on how fish act so you can spot any signs of stress or aggressiveness right away.
After going through this post “What Fish Can Live With Goldfish” you would acknowledged the fact that the beauty of your goldfish tank can be enhanced, and a more dynamic environment can be created by adding goldfish tank buddies species. You can effectively build a peaceful community tank by considering the fish’s water requirements, size compatibility, and behavior.
It would be best to choose fish that inhabit different tank regions yet have the same food requirements. This would create an excellent Goldfish tank harmony.
When adding new fish to the tank, do it cautiously and always keep the water conditions at the appropriate level. This will ensure the health of all the fish.
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